Sunday 30 March 2008

The Aftermath

Urrrghhhh, today I am suffering with solid hangoverliness. Last night I attended my aunt and uncle's 50th Wedding anniversary. It's nice to be able to attend a family gathering for positive reason's, having spent a spell at a seemingly endless run of funerals.

I could of course make the obvious reference to prison sentences etc but that would be doing Douglas and Sheila a huge disservice. They are simply one of the loveliest couples I have ever had the good fortune to know, testament to this statement was the excellent turn out to their party, the continuously full dance floor and general all round merriment.

I spent the evening with a massive grin perma-plastered upon my dish due to the sheer joyousness of the occasion. The only downside being, that I drank more than my body is now apparently used to and spent a spell yodelling down the great white telephone. This was upsetting as I am unable to recall when last I vomited from overindulging on the old alkeehol.

Still, it does not detract from the enjoyment of last night's frivolities. Three cheers for Douglas and Sheila! Hip hip...

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