Sunday 17 June 2007

Father's Day Thought

Well 'tis Father's Day.

This is a day that for many years I have been able to blissfully ignore. The lack of anything that remotely resembles a father figure for largest extent of my life is to blame/thank for this.

Of course, having sired a sproglet from my own loins a couple of years back has changed all this and now it means I get a sort of extra Birthday thrown in for free in the middle of the year.

Truth be told, I was still largely unaware that Father's day was even on its way, well, I was until I began to notice a spate of TV advertisements all hawking a vast selection of Dad Rock compilation albums, most of which appear to contain almost exactly the same MOR rock staples and increasingly more recent Indie fair that would appeal to the younger dads. Of course it's all a sham, any chap worth his musical salt will already own the better tunes as part of the original album etc. These are gifts designed for the lazy and unimaginative children who don't really know their dads all that well.

As part of my Father's Day package, I was afforded the luxury of a lie in. Aah bliss. It's not all that often I get to enjoy the pleasure of wrapping myself up in the duvet free from cover struggles with my better half, or Bed Nemesis as I tend to regard her in such situations.

Lying there, swathed in solitudinal quilt comfort, a thought struck me.

Now I'm aware that how comfortable you are when you are asleep is an entirely subjective thing. My good lady would argue that I'm never comfortable unless I am embarking upon some form of semi conscious, Olympic style sleep twists. The truth is, I personally am most comfortable lying on my front whilst sleeping, or at least whilst trying to get to sleep.

Well I say I'm most comfortable when lying on my front. This isn't entirely true. There is a certain anatomical, male protrusion that prevents outright comfort when lying face down. It is of course somewhat miscomfortable to be lying on my cock and balls.

However, this morning, with the duvet rights held exclusively by myself, I was able to create a comfortable space in which to tuck my proverbials. The undeniable comfort gifted to me by this gap undoubtedly resulted in my falling quickly back to sleep and enjoying a further solid forty five minutes of beddy-bye bliss.

I woke up well and truly refreshed and inspired by my sleeping pose. I feel compelled to write to a number of mattress manufacturers and encourage them to include in future designs a well positioned gap to accommodate all front sleeping males and their usually squished nethers.

Hopefully sometime soon we will see the introduction of Silent Night Mattresses and the with my patented Cock Trough design included.


Anonymous said...

I think I just had deja-vu.

Moiiiiiiii! (That's a french kiss)

Unknown said...

I'm old. Stop making me learn new tricks. (What is this "feed" business?)

Anonymous said...

I have absolutely no idea what this "feed" business is or even how it works.

I attempted to set it up but it just looks bloody complicated.

I'm gonna try and find a more user friendly new blog post notifier.