Friday 8 June 2007

A New Dawn of Blogitudinalism

Aah, a blogging rebirth.

How refreshing.

I most probably should have done this ages ago. Having spent the past year or so on one of the more popular social networking sites I have decided to join the exodus of the great and the good that have tired of it. The added bonus of having created this nice and shiny, brand spanking new blog is the anonymity that it affords. That and the wonderful spell check facility that was not provided to my old blog system. Not to mention the autosave option which to my mind is a miraculous item.

Yes, having built up a modest following on the aforementioned site, I have found myself somewhat constrained. At first it was most pleasing to have relative strangers take time to read the shamblings and ramblings I had posted and respond to them in a largely positive manner. Indeed, I became somewhat intoxicated by the whole process and began to actively seek a larger audience.

What I hadn't considered was the side effects of gaining a larger audience. I began to place quite a bit of pressure upon myself as to the kind of material I delivered and whether it was entertaining or funny enough. I also felt compelled to post far more regularly than I could really deliver and so towards the end I began to feel as though I wasn't even meeting my own expectations and so the joy and the spark inevitably faded. And with that, I have turned to the loving embrace of for solace.

So now that I have my new space, I can blather away 'til my heart's content, unconcerned as to whether my postings have any value to an audience other than myself. Of course, I'll most probably send a link to this very page to a select few people that may care to peruse whatever it is I will post here. I'm sure after the first couple of pondersome exercises in naval gazing, they'll end up giving me a miss too.

So it's talking to myself I'm after is it? Is it yet time to report myself to social services?


Freakosaurus said...

Well this nicely summed up my gripes and it took me back to the old times of reading blogs that the writer simply felt like posting.

It all feels fresh and new again, I like it!

Dougal said...

Indeed. I tried this, but gave up when no-one, but no-one, read a single thing I did. That said, I am a terribly lazy man, as I was thinking not long ago, in fact. I reckon I might have another go here, in fact.

Unknown said...

Blogging as a sport is still new to me and now that I’m blogging with hopes of attracting an audience, it’s different. At first I wrote with the idea of writing for them, the audience, but not very many people came. Than I wrote sorely for the business crowd… boring. Than I said fuck it…. I’m just going to write whatever comes to mind on this site and be business proper on this other site with links to each other. This way I get to write whatever comes to mind and or whatever inspires me. This allows me to express different views, hobbies, interests and rants. Surprisingly, it works.

But I am creating my own website (soon) so I can just say what I want to say and if no one reads it, oh well. That seems to be what some people want -- to forget that someone is reading it.