Sunday 10 June 2007

Shart Blog

What's this? Two blogs in a day with little or no space between postings?! What the Hell's all this about then?

Well, it's about the fact that this is my blog and as such I care little for the concerns of other people, unlike how things were on my old blog. So, supplemental to my Nup-Date blog posted only a few minutes ago, I have also decided to catalog further evidence of my continued slide towards being a typical middle aged shuffler.

Evidence item one: I made my first ever clothing purchase from Marks and Sparks. This had nothing to do with Bryan Ferry or his removal from being the face of M&S clothing for men. Surely I should only be buying food from Marks & Spencer's on account of their sexily voiced and alluring food ads? M&S is where yer dad buys his clothes from isn't it? Well, I've got news for myself. I am a dad and so it has begun. At least I'm not quite at the cardigan fancying stage, although I suspect it's only a matter of time.

Evidence item two: When I got home and decided to try it on. I usually always do this in the shop, but we were strapped for time on account of the groom to be fitted appointment and also, it was the last medium sized shirt on the rack. I almost put it back, as I so often do, expecting it to be there when I return, which it almost always isn't, so Eleonar insisted upon buying to save her from listening to me whingeing about it later.

I put on the shirt. It is a pale blue and white striped, short sleeved linen shirt. Perfect for the summer months and could be classed as both smart and casual wear. I also know that like many of my favourite that have gone before it, it will be part of my wardrobe for years to come.

As I stared into the mirror, I decided that I was quite happy with my new shirt. Sporting it, as is the fashion with my entire generation with the tails hanging out, rather than tucked in. However, this was the point at which I realised I'm at tipping point of real dad-dom. I felt compelled to tuck this shirt in, because it looked much smarter that way...

Aaaaaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!! The end is nigh!


bluebunny said...

Don't worry, Pauly. You can live in both worlds. In for the office and out for play.

Freakosaurus said...

Bah! I already read and commented this one on the book.