Tuesday 1 April 2008

Happy Fool's Day

Well, the training course finished at 11.30am. I managed to prolong my stay by ensuring that the already paid for sandwiches were treated as brunch and indulging in some post course waffle with the trainers and my team leader Gill. Thankfully, Gill offered me the opportunity to take the remainder of the day as flexi leave. I was quick to snap it up.

It must be difficult in these times of cynicism and apathy for media outlets to actually catch people out with "unusual news stories". However, this morning, before leaving the house I caught an article on BBC news, seemingly an advertisement for a new documentary.

Well done to them, because dressing it up with some plausible geography and "this recently discovered colony of penguins is unlike any other" had the missus hook, line and sinker. There was an "Aaaah" and a gasp of astonishment as they began to take off.

One quick look at my watch to confirm the date and a brief shaking of my head in her general direction was all it took to let her know she’d been April fooled.

I despair, I really do.

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